Suits & Ties collaborating with Sneakers & Beards

Even geduld...
Practice what you preach: the second edition of KPMG’s New Horizons event was organized in collaboration with start-ups. And, with success! KPMG brought their last year’s lessons learned into practice. Together with start-ups like Van Chefs, Visuele Notulen and Starred, KPMG introduced 32 start-ups to 180 corporates and vice versa. What follows are the key take-aways of this year’s edition.
Tips for corporates:
Tips for start-ups:
Finally for both sides the last take away from Michiel Hilders, ABN AMRO: “Each week we saw improvements. Speed, collaboration, co-creation and execution power are the greatest benefits of working together with start-ups.” It was a great event to experience and I am curious to the relationships that survived the first kiss.
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